Completing canal-to-pipeline conversion projects can be challenging for irrigation districts throughout the western United States. Many districts seek ways to conserve water, improve efficiency, and modernize their water delivery system. While irrigation districts may be able to address these needs by lining their canals, it may be more beneficial to convert your canal into a pipeline instead. From our experience, there are seven major advantages to this solution.

The truth is that many irrigation systems are old, with deteriorating infrastructure that needs to be repaired or more often, replaced. Because of this, the focus tends to be on structures, with less attention given to the conveyance systems such as canals or laterals.

Common Issues

Many irrigation projects in the western United States were created in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s when federal funding for large-scale irrigation projects became available. Many of those same irrigation projects still operate throughout the West—often with their original 60-year-old-plus infrastructure. Those irrigation projects primarily used open channels such as canals and laterals to convey surface water to users.

Today, these open channels can present some issues for irrigation districts, including:

  • Seepage losses
  • Evapotranspiration losses
  • Embankment breaches and washouts
  • Capacity issues
  • Water quality/erosion
  • Level management due to interception of storm water runoff
  • Vegetative growth impeding flow and turnouts
  • Poor on-farm efficiency
  • Additional operation and maintenance (O&M)

To address these issues, irrigation districts typically explore one of the two following solutions:

Lining the Canal

Due to low material costs, liners are the cheaper option compared to pipeline systems. For irrigation districts in the West, this can be the deciding factor when choosing between liners and pipelines. While lining a canal provides many benefits to irrigation districts such as cost-effectiveness, water conservation, or improved canal capacity, liners typically have a shorter design life, require more operation and maintenance than pipeline systems and present more safety hazards. Liners can also be difficult to install, especially if several structures are within the canal.