Bridge Design for a Hydroelectric Plant

Morrison-Maierle provided engineering services to design and develop construction documents for the new steel trestle bridges along the Mystic Lake flowline hydroelectric project.

An initial site visit was necessary to determine the span of the new bridges and finalize abutment details. The new bridges were required to span an existing rock slide on a location with competent bedrock. Morrison-Maierle provided a survey scan of the project site and developed topographical drawings to lay out the bridges.

Morrison-Maierle’s team analyzed and detailed two steel truss bridges and developed a feasible construction methodology for the remote site. One bridge accommodated the existing flowline, while the other accommodated a tram track.

Furthermore, Morrison-Maierle developed a construction cost estimate for the anticipated work. The team also coordinated design review meetings to facilitate efficient critical milestone reviews.

Final deliverables included stamped construction drawings and specifications for the two steel truss bridges.