Planning and Design Services and Solutions

Our in-house irrigation planning and design experts know that access to water when and where you need it is critical to your livelihood. With many irrigation systems across the country becoming antiquated, it’s more important than ever to have access to experts who can help ensure your water systems remain in full service.

We can help you with all types of irrigation-related projects and provide solutions for every aspect of your project. From identifying funding sources and grant application management to system planning and developing solutions for upgrading, modernizing, or creating new irrigation systems, we have local engineers and scientists ready to help.

Let’s talk more about your next irrigation project.


  • Irrigation/water conservation planning

  • Flow measurement

  • Canal system operations

  • Hydraulic design and modeling

  • Grant assistance

  • Topographical survey

Capabilities, Project Profiles, and More

Our in-house irrigation planning and design experts know that access to water when and where you need it is critical to your livelihood. We can help ensure your water systems remain in full service for years to come. Read more about our services and how we’ve helped our irrigation clients.

Related Projects

Bitter Root Irrigation District Siphon

Ravalli County, Montana

The Bitter Root Irrigation District siphon improves a steel pipeline that delivers surface water from Lake Como to the ditches and canals in the eastern side of the Bitterroot Valley.

Jocko Area Canal Conversion

Arlee, Montana

Morrison-Maierle designed the first two phases of the Jocko Area Canal Conversion pipeline project. The pipeline design consisted of over 110,000 linear feet of pipeline ranging from 48-inch diameter

Allendale Canal and Fish Screen

Philipsburg, Montana

Allendale Canal and Fish Screen is part of the Flint Creek Water Project, owned by the Montana Department of Resources and Conservation (DNRC) and operated by the Flint Creek Water Users Association.

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