Now, the City of Billings has an improved water distribution system that can meet peak hour needs while increasing flexibility to handle variable water demands. It also saved the cost of building a reservoir now, which would have caused operational and water quality issues in the near future.

Billings Fox Pump Station
Maintaining Pressure at Peak Demand
The City of Billings had problems with a pressure zone near Skyview High School. This zone was experiencing extreme demand fluctuations pushing the existing closed-loop Fox Pump Station beyond its capacity limits. The station also had no storage and was unable to meet peak-hour demands.
Additionally, the smallest pump’s impeller was deteriorating more quickly than expected due to cavitation.
The city needed to solve the pressure fluctuation issue and implement a system to maintain adequate pressure during peak demands. They hired Morrison-Maierle to study, model, and evaluate this pumping capacity issue.
Services & Highlights
Civil design
Closed-loop pump
Construction administration
Construction phase services
Flexible design for future expansion
Integration and controls design
Mechanical design
Pump station study
Structural design

Expansion or New Construction?
The plan before the study was to construct a reservoir and expand the pump station. However, the study indicated that it would be better to construct a new closed-loop pump station. Furthermore, a water age analysis showed that adding a reservoir now could cause significant water quality problems during months when demand was significantly less.
Morrison-Maierle designed a new closed-loop pump station with a manufacturer-supplied, prebuilt pumping system inside a customized building. The station capacity was designed for future expansion when water demands increase. And, with the updated system, a new reservoir can be added without concerns about water age.

A Solution for Now and the Future
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