Improving Irrigation Water

The Jocko irrigation service area north of the Jocko River is part of the Flathead Indian Irrigation Project near Arlee, Montana, in the Jocko Valley. Water is diverted from the Jocko River into the Jocko K Canal, which serves over 4,500 acres through a network of lateral and sublateral canals and several private pipelines. This area faces significant operational challenges due to a lack of flow measurement, flow control structures, and very high canal seepage rates.

Morrison-Maierle designed the first two phases of the planned pipeline projects and is moving into design for the remaining three through six phases. The pipeline design comprised over 110,000 linear feet ranging from 48-inch diameter mains to 2-inch service connections. By converting the open channel canals to pipe, irrigators receive a pressurized delivery, allowing for the reduction or elimination of pumping costs. The design also included two canal intake structures, screening, valves, canal gates, canal level control, flow measurement, and other necessary appurtenances.