Shaping and Restoring Waterways

Many waterways in the western U.S. have been impacted by historical events, leading to long-lasting issues that require modern stream restoration solutions.

If your work involves restoring or enhancing natural stream function, stream flow, aquatic habitat, or riparian health, we can offer a wide range of services to meet your needs.

We understand the many factors that affect our watersheds in the greater Rocky Mountains and Northwest. We seek win-win solutions that maximize biological function and physically stabilize the waterway.

Our team of stream restoration engineers and scientists is prepared to help you find practical, customized, and impactful solutions for every waterway.

contact us to learn how we can help with your stream restoration projects


Restoration Design

Whether your goals are improving water quality, restoring stream flows, enhancing habitat, or reconnecting floodplain and riparian areas, our expertise in Stage Zero, Process-Based, Natural Channel Design, and Rosgen stream restoration techniques ensures we identify the right design for your specific needs.

Our designs include low-cost, minimally invasive treatments to the greatest extent possible, including large woody debris, natural channel design, and riparian revegetation. In addition, we offer hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, permit support, fish barrier assessments, and basin-scale planning.

Learn about our Oregon Creek project

Floodplain Reconnection

Floodplains play an important role in the ecology and function of river systems. Floodplains allow a river to expand during flooding, reducing stream power, slowing the waterway down, and depositing sediment. When restoring a waterway, we strategically reconnect floodplains within the constraints of the existing river corridor to promote natural river function and biology.

Learn about our French Gulch & Moose Creek project

Streambank Stabilization

Bioengineered structures that use logs, boulders, and vegetation can effectively stabilize a stream bank and reduce erosion impacts. Whether your project’s goal is restoring the natural stream function, improving water quality, supporting aquatic habitat, or protecting critical infrastructure, we can help you select the best stabilization approach for your site’s unique needs.

Learn about our South Ponds project

Fish Passage and Aquatic Habitat Enhancement

We specialize in designing and implementing sustainable solutions to create clean, cold, and connected habitats for aquatic species. Whether installing fish screens, constructing fish-friendly culverts, or implementing state-of-the-art fish passage technology, we are committed to striking a thriving balance between infrastructure and nature. From comprehensive assessments and tailored designs to construction oversight and monitoring, we offer end-to-end solutions that meet regulatory standards and exceed conservation goals.

Learn about our Allendale Canal & fish screen project

Watershed Planning

Assessments such as basin hydraulic analysis and surface water management provide a big-picture strategy for managing and preserving rivers, streams, and lakes, paving the way for on-the-ground projects.

To safeguard water resources for future generations, our team considers the history, current conditions, and upcoming needs of each project to provide solutions that deliver the best long-term results.

Grant Funding

Our expert team specializes in navigating the complex landscape of grant funding available for stream restoration projects. We have a proven track record of success obtaining funding from various agencies, helping clients achieve their water quality and conservation goals. Partner with us to navigate the waters of state, federal, and private grant funding and turn your ambitious restoration goals into impactful realities, ensuring healthier waterways for generations to come.

Learn about our funding services

Biological and Habitat Assessments

Our scientists are experienced investigators in botanical and wildlife surveys, habitat evaluation, natural community classification, and other areas of ecological sampling and natural resource investigation.

Our experienced environmental scientists offer holistic restoration planning and services, including soil and vegetation assessment, seed mix and soil amendment recommendations, and restoration success monitoring.

Environmental Assessments, Statements, and Reports

We execute numerous NEPA projects ranging from large EIS assessments for complicated and controversial projects to routine EAs for minor federal actions. We can work under third-party arrangements or directly for the project administration to prepare EAs and EISs and support NEPA documents and implementation plans.

Alternatively, we can serve as the project’s representative in the process. We have experience in every aspect of the NEPA process, from the initial information review and data collection to ensuring compliance with federal and state regulatory requirements.

Learn more about our regulatory compliance services


Construction work in and near streams, rivers, and wetlands requires a permit. We tailor each permitting effort to your project and begin each effort by establishing a complete list of required permits and supporting documentation. From conducting wetland delineations to tracking the review process, we can help you navigate the application process to get the necessary permits.

Learn more about our permitting services

Flow Restoration

Stream dewatering negatively impacts aquatic life, water quality, recreation, and local economies. Irrigation withdrawals account for over 95% of water withdrawals in the West. Accordingly, irrigation system improvements are among the most effective ways to leave more water in-stream.

Learn More about our irrigation services and projects

Wetland and Aquatic Resource Delineation

Our environmental scientists delineate wetlands, ordinary high-water mark (OHWM), and other aquatic features According to national standards.

We have experience across the mountain and arid west and specialize in hydric soils, hydrophytic plant communities, hydrology, and environmental policy and regulatory definitions.

Related Projects

Allendale Canal and Fish Screen

Philipsburg, Montana

Allendale Canal and Fish Screen is part of the Flint Creek Water Project, owned by the Montana Department of Resources and Conservation (DNRC) and operated by the Flint Creek Water Users Association.

French Gulch and Moose Creek Restoration

Mount Haggin, Montana

The French Gulch and Moose Creek Restoration Project restored over four miles of stream and floodplain on public land that had been extensively mined in the 1800s.

Oregon Creek Stream Restoration

Mount Haggin, Montana

Morrison-Maierle’s Oregon Creek Stream restoration project designed and used an advanced monitoring technique to create 1,400 lineal feet of new stream channel and four acres of new floodplain.

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