A New Way to Prevent Ice Buildup

Due to ice buildup, the radial gates on the Morony Dam spillway were not operating correctly in the winter. NorthWestern Energy asked Morrison-Maierle to conduct a feasibility study to address this issue and found the best remedy: replacing the radial gates with new vertical lift gates with an internal heating system.

To ensure this solution performed correctly, Morrison-Maierle analyzed the existing stability of the dam to ensure the modifications would be acceptable. A preliminary hydraulic analysis of the proposed spillway configuration and subsequent spillway rating curve was developed to ensure flow compliance.

Morrison-Maierle provided procurement specifications for the new gates, hoists, heated guide system, and construction sequencing for the spillway and pier modifications, as well as the design of the new elevated hoist house enclosure.

Finally, Morrison-Maierle provided on-site inspections and construction observation to ensure compliance with the design drawings.