From doing your homework before the visit, to considerations while onsite, here are some tips for making your inspection a success

Ensuring the materials or equipment you specified show up as you intended is just the tip of the iceberg of what can be gained from an effective shop inspection. Many aspects of your visit can bring value to your project, and if you bring an open mind and some business sense, you will learn a lot and foster new connections to add to your bag of tricks for future projects. However, as with anything in engineering or project management, having a plan to make the most of a shop inspection always pays off.

I’ve performed many shop inspections for projects of various sizes, disciplines, and complexity. I’ve been to shops—local, in the U.S., and in foreign countries—to inspect everything from concrete reinforcing and steel fabrications to highly customized and precise multi-million-dollar assemblies and equipment. I’ve always found value in these inspections, and it can be very rewarding to observe and connect with the people who make what you purchase or design.

What is a Shop Inspection?

A shop inspection could include or be described as a factory certification, performance test, fabrication inspection, shop visit, or other terminology. It could be very discipline-specific or could include multiple disciplines, materials, or performance considerations. From preparation and planning before the visit, things to consider while onsite, to packing, shipping, and delivery considerations, here are my top suggestions for maximizing your shop inspections.